Types of MFPs
Multifunctional Units integrating copier and other functions vary largely in size rather than main functionality:
All-in-One (AIO) printer copier and scanner systems vary in size due to volume capacity, and contain multiple trays to cater for different functionality and sizes for copying and printing.
Medium and high volume AIOs can often include additional functions such as automatic stapling printed and copied documents, and directly scanning or receiving document images to and from other printer/scanner machines on a network.
Commercial Production
Large commercial multifunctional systems are typically used as a single source production for high volume copying, printing and communication of documents, which includes sophisticated queuing of multiple and simultaneous tasks.
These systems usually have a computer-like digital control panel for dynamic programming and manipulation of the system. They also tend to have the capability to coordinate with large local networks of servers, computer terminals and other smaller imaging systems on the network.